On April, 16th Nevinnomyssk hosted the working circular-round-table meeting devoted to intermediate results of opening of the department for technological processes and aerosol production equipment of North-Caucasus Federal University. (NSFU). The event “Creation of an aerosol department: first steps” took place at OJSC Arnest.
During the opening of the event Vice-President on technical development of OJSC Arnest Gennady Afonin noted readiness of the enterprise and NCFU represented by the Nevinnomyssk technical institute (NTI) for creation of a new format of education allowing to get a highly qualified specialist with knowledge of a modern level.
–We are convinced that our education will be of real quality because we are applying experience of continuous training for the first time. In accordance with developed methodologies and programmes the weekly schedule of study for young students will consist of 4 days of theoretical training in the framework of NTI and 1 day of practice on the basis of our enterprise. We are also ready to give chance to the future specialists to earn money during studying after completing corresponding training and passing examinations on knowledge of the fundamentals of labour and safety protection, – Gennady Afonin said.
Speaking about work already done, Director of LLC Alyumar and Head of the department for technological processes and aerosol production equipment Arkady Rumyantsev focused on distinctive features of the project.
–I want to remind you that studying at the department will be carried out on budget basis. During practice the students will receive 2 scholarships – the state one and the plant. We are ready to provide a dormitory to the students from other cities. One of the important factors is providing of a guaranteed workplace after the graduation from the university, which is sufficiently up to date today. Having received a bachelor’s diploma the students automatically become employees of Arnest group companies, avoiding the period of adaptation in the company, because during four years of study they closely interact with a working staff of the plant, – Arkady Rumyantsev emphasized.
Project Manager of OJSC Arnest Dmitry Zatsepin continued the topic of perspectives of studying at the department for technological processes and aerosol production equipment. Students will apply theory to the practice on the most modern, costly equipment that has no analogues not only in Stavropol region, but all over the South of Russia as well. In his words, the future employees of Arnest will receive possibility not only to use manufacturing equipment but also to participate directly in a design and technology introduction of new products, formulations and packages. Thus all the conditions are being created for continuous development of scientific-intellectual potential of students of the department.
In the course of a meeting problems in the social and education field were discussed, namely: Outflow of young population from the city and shortage of technical personnel. In the opinion of participants of the meeting, the joint project of Arnest and NCFU will be able to influence the current situation positively. First deputy head of the Nevinnomyssk administration Tatiana Oleshkevich noted importance of ambitious project implementation and expressed complete readiness of the city administration to contribute actively to the opening of such a relevant department.
Chief engineer of OJSC Arnest Anatoly Desyatnichenko, leading expert in personnel development Anastasia Rozanova, Director of NTI Larisa Peshkova, as well as Director of the Nevinnomyssk chemical college Natalia Fursa also took part in the meeting.

Finishing the meeting Gennady Afonin thanked its participants, having invited everyone to an excursion across the cans department.