On November, 28th the first industrial and investment forum of the South of Russia «Jugprom 2014» started in Stavropol. About 50 largest organizations took place in it.

During the opening of the forum, the governor of Stavropol Region Vladimir Vladimirov noticed that today industrial investment “package” of the region amounts to 250 billion rubles.

– Stavropol Region is not only a granary and a health resort, but is also a large regional industrial complex. Today 34 industrial investment projects are being realized in the region. There are innovative manufactures and technologies, and the main part is people who are ready to work in order to implement them. I’m sure that they are big future of the Stavropol industry and of our entire region, – the governor noted welcoming participants and visitors of the event.

The main objective which was pursued by the organizers of the event was creation of a presentation platform where potential investors could see perspective directions for investments and also familiarize with available industrial potential of Stavropol Region, applied technologies and level of production.

Besides an exhibition part of a forum where OJSC Arnest presented the best samples of cosmetic products and household chemical goods, the program of the event unique for Stavropol Region included round table discussions and delegation departure in regional industrial park “Nevinnomyssk”. However the main event of the industrial and investment forum was ceremonial signing of two documents strategically important in the field of the industry, one of which was the investment agreement between the Government of Stavropol Region and OJSC Arnest that will allow the largest aerosol enterprise to receive tax preferences according to the project “Increase in capacities on manufacture of aluminium cans at the expense of acquisition of new highly technological equipment”.

Explaining importance of the signed documents the vice-president of the Government of the region Roman Petrashov noted:

– Those documents which we have signed today are not simple formality; they assume certain obligations taken both by investors and by the government of the region. For us agreements mean new workplaces, tax revenues in the budget plus understanding of development vector of business and progression.