Leading global packaging manufacturer Ball Corporation has closed the sale of its Russian business. The deal included three plants producing aluminum cans for beer and soft drinks in Moscow, Leningrad and Chelyabinsk regions.
The consolidated revenue of Russian Ball Corporation plants in 2021 amounted to 43.8 billion rubles, EBITDA – 11.3 billion rubles. More than 900 people work at company’s plants.
The share of Ball Corporation in the domestic market of Russia was about 70% in 2021. The operation of dozens of food industry companies in Russia and countries of the Eurasian Economic Union depends on the stable work of packaging manufacturers.
The plants sold are fitted with modern equipment and have no problems with raw materials, since aluminum produced by United Company RUSAL is used for packaging production.
In March 2022, Ball Corporation announced its intention to sell its Russian business. In September, based on the results of the tender Arnest Management OOO, which is a part of the Arnest Group, received the right to make the deal.
On September 19, 2022, Arnest Management OOO obtained permission from the Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investment to close the deal on the terms agreed with the seller.
The change of ownership will not affect the stable operation, as Arnest Group has the required expertise and its own production of aluminum packaging for aerosol products.